Photos above of featured designers Maria Maruio and MMichelle
Adalinda Fashion works with established as well as emerging designers whose collections feature everything from season-less staples, to bohemian essentials, to up-cycled dresses. We select designers who design with little to no impact on Earth's natural resources. (Photos above of featured designers Maria Maruio and MMichelle)
A natural resource threatened by the fashion industry is water. Earth's water supplies contains chemicals, toxins and plastics. The impact is billions of people in the world do not have access to a clean water supply. In preparation for our New York Fashion Week Sustainable Fashion Show we did some digging around and found facts about fashion's impact on planet Earth's water.
1.) “30% of ocean plastic pollution could come from microplastics” -Greenpeace
2.) "Cotton is the world’s single largest pesticide-consuming crop, using 24% of all insecticides and 11% of all pesticides globally, adversely affecting soil and water." Forbes
3.) "Plastic microfibers shed from our synthetic clothing into the water supply account for 85% of the human-made material found along ocean shores, threatening marine wildlife and ending up in our food supply."
4.) "The World Resources Institute notes that manufacturing a single T-shirt requires 2,700 liters of water."- Forbes
5.) “85% of the plastic pollution in the ocean is due to microfibers from synthetic clothing.” – Dr. Mark Browne
6.) “The Aral Sea which was once the world’s fourth largest lake but has essentially dried up largely because of cotton farming.” -Chatham House
7.) “researchers at the University of California at Santa Barbara found that, on average, synthetic fleece jackets release 1.7 grams of microfibers each wash. It also found that older jackets shed almost twice as many fibers as new jackets. “ - The Guardian
8.) “ Breaking a plastic bottle into millions of fibrous bits of plastic might prove to be worse than doing nothing at all.” - The Guardian
9.) “synthetic-natural blends — leach into the environment just by being washed. Estimates vary, but it’s possible that a single load of laundry could release hundreds of thousands of fibers from our clothes into the water supply.” -Vox
10.) ““We found that in a typical wash, 700,000 (micro) fibers could come off,” Napper said.” - Vox
11.) “A full washing machine reduces friction between items – in other words, they don't rub against each other as much.(releases less microplastics into our waterways) - Friends of the Earth
12.) “Faster spins dry clothes quicker but they also shake them up more, risking more plastics shedding.” - Friends of the Earth
13.) “Brand and quality matters: in the study, a low-quality, generic brand fleece shed approximately 170 percent more over the course of its lifespan than Patagonia’s high-quality products.” -Patagonia
14.) “Wastewater treatment plants filter 65 to 92 percent of microfibers entering their system, but still release a significant volume of waste into the environment.” -Patagonia
15.) “35% of micro-plastic pollution comes from synthetic textiles.” -NBC News