Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, several facts and recommendations have flown around about wearing a face mask. Often confusing the general public if they need to wear a mask. Conscious consumers are left wondering where they can find a washable sustainable fashion mask. In this article, we are going to clarify the current situation of wearing masks. While identifying Adalinda’s top picks for washable sustainable mask.
One of the common misconceptions is what type of mask? N-95 are medical-grade masks. The vendors selling N-95 are vetted through an approval process. This approval-standard keeps medical workers safe. Medical masks are not made to be reused. The demand for medical grade masks is high. The limited supply is to be reserved for health care workers. This leaves the general public questioning if they need a face mask. Also, where can they buy a mask?
The courts are closed, but the jury has spoken. After weeks of controversy between wearing a face mask or risking infection. The ruling is, wear a mask or face covering. If you need guidance, consult the CDC by clicking here. The general public is not required to wear a medical-grade mask. Conscious consumers shop with their values in mind. Buying a disposable face mask to only wear once is a concern for anyone interested in reducing their carbon footprint. A mask that cannot be reused, reduce or recycled does not generally align with the conscious consumer’s values. Yes, we want everyone to be healthy and we want to save the planet at the same time. Conscious consumers are not looking to wear throwaway fashion or a throwaway mask. However, style and fashion are still something they want. At this time of uncertainty, conscious consumers can turn to the sustainable fashion brands they already love and trust. There are sustainable fashion brands that have begun producing washable sustainable fashion masks. Washable sustainable fashion masks are not meant to be worn as personal protective equipment for health care workers. The washable sustainable fashion mask is meant to be worn by the general public who are mostly staying at home. Wearing a washable sustainable fashion mask are for quick errands or a walk in the park. This is a general statement about masks as different products will vary and it is best to check with the individual brand. With so many stores closed at the moment finding a cute washable sustainable fashion mask online can occur as overwhelming. Even as masks are in high demand the market seems to be over saturated. It is as if everyone got into the mask business overnight. Finding the best washable sustainable fashion mask can be overwhelming. To take away the overwhelming feeling you will find a list of sustainable fashion brands that are making washable sustainable masks below.
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